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número cinco is a theater platform created in 2019 during the Master of Theatre Practices (MTP), in ArtEZ, Holland. It is, since 2021, a non-profit cultural association. 

The purpose of número cinco is to develop a personal research on the Actor's Autonomy.  


The Autonomy of the Actor is a reflection about the nature of the actor's work. It is also a practical research on the relationship between the actor and other agents in the theatrical field - producer, director, author, audience, among others.

Autonomy in this context is seen as the possibility to negotiate the limits and boundaries of our actions in the relationship with others. In this project, I intend to create artistic processes where I can experiment and reflect on this negotiation. And on the performativity of these different relationships.


This project begins with On Invitation, focusing on the relationship between Actor-Audience. 

The other projects that will follow, will reflect on other relationships.

In all of them I will position myself as an actress. Other artists are and will be invited to investigate, co-create and perform with me, taking on the other roles in this negotiation process - the director, the author, the teacher, the co-actor, the producer.

número cinco also works as an archive where I document what was/is/will  be produced during the research. Processes, experiments, paths and outcomes in all their different materials - texts, photos, comments, interviews or videos.  

This platform reflects real time my research and is being shaped and transformed by it. 

When I assume the research is over, número cinco will be closed as a project and will exist only as an archive of a theatrical research. 


Maria João Falcão

número cinco © 2019 Maria João Falcão | Portugal

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